Book Review: The Refugee System by Rawan Arar and David Scott FitzGerald

Perhaps you’ve heard the parable of the blind men and the elephant. A king summons blind men from his kingdom and asks each one to examine an elephant. One man feels the elephant’s head and says that he’s touching a pot. Another man feels the elephant’s side and describes a wall. A third man touches the elephant’s leg and talks about a tree trunk. One lesson of this story: Unless we have enough information, it’s difficult to determine the truth.

That’s also the lesson of a new book, The Refugee System, by Professors Rawan Arar and David Scott FitzGerald. The book argues that many academics and policymakers view the refugee system too narrowly. Instead of seeing the bigger picture, they focus only on the elements of the refugee system that relate to their area of interest. This type of “siloed” approach has real-world implications for those seeking protection and for the nations that host them. (more…)

Praise for the Asylumist (the Book)

We’ll return to our regularly-scheduled content next week, but here, I wanted to share some (mostly) positive reviews I’ve received for my new book, The Asylumist: How to Seek Asylum in the United States and Keep Your Sanity. Proceeds from the book will benefit asylum-related charities, and you can purchase copies here. Without further ado–

Jason Dzubow is a leader in the new due process army and part of the “gold standard” for practicing asylum aficionados. For over ten years, his blog “The Asylumist” has been providing “practice tips” and sage advice for asylum seekers, attorneys, and even Immigration Judges. Now, in his new book, Jason collects “The Asylumist’s Greatest Hits”—his best and most useful blog posts—and updates them to reflect the current state (or dystopia) of the law. Understanding the process is essential for protecting your rights! The Asylumist: How to Seek Asylum in the United States and Keep Your Sanity provides clear, accessible, practical, useful guidance, with a touch of humor, to help you navigate the asylum system. It’s an essential “problem-solving tool” for asylum applicants, attorneys, policy makers, and anyone interested in ensuring that asylum seekers obtain the protection that they need and deserve and in restoring due process and best practices to our now sadly and badly broken, dysfunctional, and intentionally unfair asylum system. Due Process Forever!  —  Paul Wickham Schmidt, Former Chair, Board of Immigration Appeals, and blogger at

Jason Dzubow is a thoughtful and balanced voice in the often highly charged world of immigration. He cares deeply about the law and the people it impacts, from those seeking refuge to those tasked with administering the processes for delivering both relief and justice. In his new book, The Asylumist: How to Seek Asylum and Keep Your Sanity, he offers pragmatic advice and valuable insights on asylum and many other issues in the immigration arena.  —  MaryBeth Keller, Former Chief Immigration Judge of the United States


Introducing The Asylumist: The Book!

When I started The Asylumist over 11 years ago, I hoped to create a forum for discussing the U.S. asylum system. I didn’t know whether anyone would actually read the blog or whether I had the time and energy to maintain it (and truth be told, when I started, I really wasn’t even sure what a blog was). But here we are more than a decade later, still going.

During those years, much has changed with the asylum system: The Immigration Court backlog has increased from 243,000 to over 1.3 million; the Asylum Office backlog has grown from less than 32,000 to more than 386,000; we’ve seen the border “surge” (a couple times). the hostility of the Trump Administration, and the pandemic. The population of asylum seekers has changed as well. The Syrian civil war, the Arab Spring, increased instability in Venezuela, and a further breakdown of law and order in Central America all contributed to new waves of applicants seeking protection in the United States. 

As I was observing and writing about asylum during these turbulent years, I was also thinking about turning some of my blog posts into a book. And for maybe the last two years, I’ve been actively working to get that done. Given my other obligations–family, job, blogging–I was not sure I would ever complete the work. But somehow, with the help and support of many people, the book is now done and available for sale. You can check it out here: The Asylumist: How to Seek Asylum in the United States and Keep Your Sanity.
